Small Is Beautiful – Die Spiiiders (Live)

  • Alternative Fakten
  • Die Spiiiiders

18:00 until 21:00

dublab · Cologne

Next edition of our Mini Concert series at our location at Hansaring, our guests this time: Die Spiiiders from Munich! Stopping in Cologne after their show at SDA the night before, we expect this to be one to remember! Make sure to check their excellent debut EP “Im Netz der Spiiiders“, released in 2022 via Alternative Fakten and drop by Hansaring 94 on May 25th to catch them live in Cologne. .

Bonus: Alternative Fakten DJs on support at our space and at Bar Elektra afterwards for our monthly dublab night. Doppelwhopper!

dublab promotes curiosity, experimentation, inclusivity, and connection.