Twits Soul Hits

Twits Soul Hits – C60 Tape Release

  • Twit One

12:00 until 20:00

dublab · Cologne

Twits Soul Hits

Join us as we’re celebrating the release of Twit One’s outstanding and long lost “Twits Soul Hits” mixtape with an all-day session by the man himself, live from our new location at Hansaring 94 in Cologne. Drop by for music and drinks, and don’t miss this chance to grab one of the remaining copies!

“Twits Soul Hits” is a collaborative C60 mixtape effort by the Cologne producer and dublab from 2021, live aus dem Land der langen Gesichter and limited to 123 copies with risoprinted artwork designed by the artist. We never got around to do a proper release for this one due to the pandemic and various other reasons, and only a few copies were sold to friends and customers of the Groove Attack recordshop over the last 2 years.

dublab promotes curiosity, experimentation, inclusivity, and connection.