Dear listeners, friends and supporters: Thank you! When we posted about our financial emergency a week ago and asked for help from our listeners we had no clue what to expect. We just knew we had to try something to turn the tide, and asking for support from the community we serve seemed like the most logical and upright thing to do. 7 days later and here we are, pinching ourselves: your generous support not only secured dublab DE’s office and studio rent for the next couple of months, we can even start to dream about some much needed equipment replacement in our studio, a proper dublab sign outside our office, and a few other things that seemed oh so distant just two weeks ago.
Thank you all. Your love means the world to us, and experiencing this level of support has given us some much needed confidence for future projects and the months and years to come. We’re not going anywhere, and will actually start to take things up a notch once the dust has settled.
That said: dublab DE’s “Save Our Studio” weeks are continuing tomorrow, with another 6 days of original programming ahead: Lots of highlights, specials and selections to look forward to. Our support page over at will stay up and running, and if you enjoy our program and would like to give something back in return this is entirely possible, and very much appreciated. Again: thank you all for your support!
Much love from everyone at dublab DE.
Thanks for being awesome!